Listing out some of the useful programs which would be asked during interviews:
#1 - '' Program to find out Drive and File name from the Given file path
Public Function getFname(ByVal fname)
firstSlash = InStr(1,fname,"\")
lastSlash = InStrRev(fname,"\")
Msgbox "Filename:"& vbTab & Mid(fname,lastSlash+1)
Msgbox "Drive:"& vbTab & Mid(fname,1,firstSlash-1)
End Function
++ Bonus points: Mid function helps lot in scripting, so get familiar with it!
#2 - '' String reverse without using built-in function
Function strRev(Byval input_str)
sLen = Len(input_str)
sRev = ""
For i=0 to sLen-1
print Mid(input_str, sLen - i,1)
sRev = sRev & Mid(input_str, sLen - i,1)
msgbox sRev
End Function
#3 - '' String length without using built-in function
Function strLength(ByVal str)
i = 1
While (Mid(str,i,1)) <> ""
i = i + 1
Msgbox "String length--"&i-1
End Function
#4 - '' To get Unique alphanumeric string for the given length
Public Function randomStr ( ByVal strLen)
Const Str = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
newStr = ""
For i=1 To strLen
newStr = Mid (Str, RandomNumber(1,len(Str)),1) & newStr
msgbox newStr &" of lenth " & strLen
End Function
++ Bonus points: If you want to get only random string then define Constant Str with a-z characters. Similary if you need only random numbers, specify Const Str with 0-9.
'' Calling the above functions
#1 - '' Program to find out Drive and File name from the Given file path
Public Function getFname(ByVal fname)
firstSlash = InStr(1,fname,"\")
lastSlash = InStrRev(fname,"\")
Msgbox "Filename:"& vbTab & Mid(fname,lastSlash+1)
Msgbox "Drive:"& vbTab & Mid(fname,1,firstSlash-1)
End Function
++ Bonus points: Mid function helps lot in scripting, so get familiar with it!
#2 - '' String reverse without using built-in function
Function strRev(Byval input_str)
sLen = Len(input_str)
sRev = ""
For i=0 to sLen-1
print Mid(input_str, sLen - i,1)
sRev = sRev & Mid(input_str, sLen - i,1)
msgbox sRev
End Function
#3 - '' String length without using built-in function
Function strLength(ByVal str)
i = 1
While (Mid(str,i,1)) <> ""
i = i + 1
Msgbox "String length--"&i-1
End Function
#4 - '' To get Unique alphanumeric string for the given length
Public Function randomStr ( ByVal strLen)
Const Str = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
newStr = ""
For i=1 To strLen
newStr = Mid (Str, RandomNumber(1,len(Str)),1) & newStr
msgbox newStr &" of lenth " & strLen
End Function
++ Bonus points: If you want to get only random string then define Constant Str with a-z characters. Similary if you need only random numbers, specify Const Str with 0-9.
'' Calling the above functions
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